Stimulating Your Sweet Little Spot, Off The Beaten Track, That’s Tucked Away!

A  lot of men don’t like to think about the prostate. They aren’t sure exactly what it does, but it’s in such a sensitive area! Whenever it come up it seems like everything they hear involves swelling, blockage, pain, and even cancer. Unless a man sees undeniable evidence that he has a problem down there, he might not want to even talk about it.

But men who pay attention to the latest health news are losing their fear of fitness measures centered around the prostate. More and more of them have learned about the intense and healthy pleasures they can get from a professional prostate massage. As these men experience this physical and sexual ecstasy, they are also helping to prevent erectile dysfunction,  painful ejaculation, and difficulties in urination.

September is Prostate Cancer Awareness month. The end of vacation season is always a good time to start or renew health regimens. One essential part of a man’s fitness program should be attention to prostate issues.

The prostate is a gland about the size of a walnut that sits between the rectum and the bladder. It produces most of the fluid for ejaculation. A prostate massage soothes and stimulates this gland by concentrating on what some call “the male G-spot.” This can produce an orgasmic pleasure, which resolves into a much longer period of energy, creativity, and satisfaction once the massage is over. Though these feelings fade with time, another prostate massage is all it will take to get the full effects of refreshment and renewal.

If you would like to experience this pleasure, while improving your overall health and wellbeing, please feel free to contact me. I will be happy to answer your questions, and schedule an appointment with you at a convenient time. When we meet I can demonstrate all of the benefits that I can only mention here.


Soothing Effects Designed With Your Sore, Tired Feet In Mind

Our feet are often the forgotten heroes in our day-to-day health regimens. Whenever we need them to support our bodies we expect them to be ready and on the job. In everything from long hikes up mountains to short walks to the car our feet help us conquer gravity and get from one place to another. We seldom give them a thought until something goes wrong. When that happens we suddenly realize all the things our feet do for us. They accept our restrictive shoes while we play, exercise, and pound them against concrete and asphalt. What’s really amazing is that they hold up as well as they do, but they need our help!

When our feet go out from under us, we suddenly face limited options. If we dig into the closet we might find a cane or crutches from a long-ago ankle sprain, but getting around will be painful even with these props. Often our pains are symptoms of an inflamed plantar fascia. This swelling sends searing fire up through your body every time you put your weight on it. No crutches or canes will cure it. You could sit back and wait for it to go away, and miss days or weeks of healthy life—or you could take action, and soon be back on your feet again.

I can help you reduce this inflammation, and prevent its recurrence through a regular program of ball rolling, or foot massage emphasizing the sole. As I work on the afflicted areas you will feel your tension ease, followed by relief, and a growing sense of wellbeing. My probing will ease the tightness in the muscles, then spread through the web of connective tissues that make up the fascia. A release in one area of those tissues will often trigger relief from head-to-toe.

If you suffer from sharp pains starting in your heels, or you just want relief from constantly aching feet, I hope you will call me. Then I can help you replace those pains with pleasure.


The Gem That Makes A Man Are Pearls Amidst Everyday Life

What makes a man? That ancient question finds modern answers in all the ways men deal with today’s tensions and pressures. Often it seems as if whenever a man turns around he’s confronted with new challenges to his masculinity and his manhood. Every day a man is bombarded by “experts” who tell him that his role is changing, but none of them can agree on what those changes should be. As societal and peer pressures build up it becomes harder and harder for even the bravest man to fight feelings of insecurity and inadequacy. To survive and thrive in this reality a man needs all the support he can get, both physical and emotional. A man’s ultimate strength comes from within, but finding it often requires the sensitive touch of a woman.

One of the most effective tools in building this kind of strength and support is a program of regularly scheduled sessions with an expert in deep massage and sensual touch. This is what I believe, and what I practice. In our meetings I will employ the arts of touch and massage to awaken and stimulate the centers of your masculine passion. I will release your pent-up stressors, find every point of pleasure, and take you to the core of your desires.

Our meeting will leave you refreshed, and in touch with your inner sources of confident masculinity. All feelings of inadequacy and insecurity will be washed away. You will feel a calm power as your mind and body align with your natural hyper-sexuality. Under the influence of this newfound serenity your mental processes will sharpen; in the days that follow you will feel more focused and alive. As time goes on the inevitable pressures will slowly mount up again, draining your energy, and sapping your strength, but you will know how to restore these. The pleasures of regularly scheduled sensual massage/touch sessions will remind any man of exactly what makes him a man.


The Unveiling Of A Man’s Hidden Sensual Longings

Along with all its pleasures, life can sometimes lead a man into the shadows—dead-ends where anxiety, depression and emotional pain settle in and make themselves at home. These dark corners of the spirit can be found on the job, at home, or in the marriage bed. One might face a business crisis, or compete in a workplace rife with intrigue or complications. Whatever their causes, the world’s troubles leave men stressed, tense, and weary.

To be at his best before facing this world, a man needs to connect with his innermost physical and spiritual serenity. A direct route to this calmness lies in the path through sensual pleasure. The surest way to find this path is through a regular series of massages, coupled with feminine touch.

A weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly massage will loosen the knots, clear the paths, and allow energy to flow through every muscle and organ. It is the moment of clarity so necessary for the attainment of full physical and mental satisfaction. It doesn’t matter where the tension comes from. It might be from physical exertion, or being physically inert. It could start with the headaches of a business deal, an argument at home, or a static situation with no apparent end. Whatever the cause, you can feel it. It’s there in every thought and movement. If you don’t do something, you will soon feel the tension in every waking moment. You must find a way to relax, and replenish your energy.

If your life fits any part of this picture, you might want to make regular massages a part of your weekly or monthly schedule. It’s a planned moment of relaxation, healing pleasure, and ultimate satisfaction. It is a time to give yourself over to the expertise of feminine touch. There you will find calming waters that will quell all inner storms. All it takes is making an appointment.

A Subliminal Box Of Sensual Desires

We all love a surprise now and then: waking up to a lover’s special gift, or opening a door to sudden shouts celebrating our arrival. A personal surprise is often the best, especially when it comes from the friend who knows our tastes, the chef who knows our palate, or the lover who knows all of our deepest pleasures.

As a skilled masseuse, I learn the ways of your body through my own. I connect with you through my fingertips, hands, and all of my physical being, using my unique experience to help you open life’s sweetly subliminal box of sensual desires. I am there for you, clearing the pathways of your body so that you can find life’s deepest satisfactions. As I discover all of your body’s ecstatic secrets, I reveal them, one-by-one, until suddenly I let them burst forth in a climactic flood of sensual power.

In the end you will find your desires are completely satisfied, as a deep pleasure infuses every bone, muscle, and tissue. This is the moment when all is right, when the soul is well-rested, and the body is ready for whatever may lie ahead. You go out into the world again, replenished, and ready to conquer.

As we approach your massage, we set this sensual satisfaction as our goal. Starting with my fingertips, I will reach deep, and welcome you to this world of flesh and touch. There we will explore moments, places, and possibilities. There we will probe pleasure’s vast and undiscovered lands, and open every last box of sensual desires. Join me, won’t you? It is well worth the visit.


Be Kinder To Yourself, Because You Deserve It

A complete massage holds the possibilities of relaxation, rejuvenation, and physical delight. Your masseuse combines hands and fingers trained in the sensual arts with sensitivity to your body’s most fundamental needs and desires. These qualities of sensuality and sensitivity are basic components of health, happiness, and physical satisfaction. If you want to learn your body’s real potential, and deepen your experience of life’s most sensual pleasures, nothing can do more for your physical, mental, and emotional outlook than a long, luxurious massage—maybe a few of them.

As expert fingers banish knots and toxins from your muscles, you will feel the heightening of all your life forces as they resurface with newfound strength. Tension will dissipate as troubles dissolve, and your entire body will be purified. By the time you get up you will feel revived, energized, and ready to engage with the world.

In a time dominated by change a program of sensual massages will have special value. That includes the annual changes of seasons. Spring brings the urge for renewal. A deep massage will reach into the core of every muscle, awakening hidden energy, as it soothes nerves rubbed raw by a winter of ice and cold. As summer approaches these massage sessions can be combined with other fitness regimens, opening worlds of adventure and pleasure accessible only to those who are fit enough to fully enjoy them.  Autumn’s changes can make massages even more inviting and essential. As winds turn cold, a massage warms the limbs, and clears pathways for our most vital life forces. It’s the perfect prescription for preparing a body for long, cold New England winters.

Sensual massage offers all these gifts, and many more. Its benefits include initial relaxation, momentary pleasure, adventurous exploration, and finally profound physical satisfaction. Over the course of several sessions many recipients find their whole outlook changing. As their bodies shed tightness and pain, they sometimes discover the root causes of ailments. This can help recipients eliminate some lifelong maladies once and for all.

Whether you have long-term problems, or simply want to dissolve the cares of the day, deep sensual massage may be the most pleasurable therapy you can find.

Why Sensual Massage Matters

Winter is the season when many of us feel the most stress, so this is the time when regular sensual massage has the most value. As the world turns to ice, our bodies want to be warmed, calmed, and infused with an ecstasy of energy. Sensual massage stimulates and soothes the entire body and spirit. Many of us roar through the early winter holidays, only to feel a sudden letdown at the start of the new year. We return to work, sink into the depths of January, and find ourselves plagued by colds, aches, and other ailments. In these dark weeks warmth and sunlight are in short supply. As temperatures fall our metabolisms work harder. After we’ve shoveled the snow from our sidewalks and scraped the ice off our windshields, we’re left with a residue of painful joints, tense muscles, and fatigue.

That’s why winter may be the best time to start a regular program of sensual massage. A good massage leaves you feeling refreshed and ready to face the world. As your masseuse soothes your joints and muscles, the expert touch of her fingers taps into your energy. This sharpens your senses, allowing you to experience physical pleasure in a whole new way. A regular schedule of massages deepens that feeling, helping you perform at your best at work and at play. Monthly massages provide many tangible long-term benefits, and biweekly or weekly sessions do even more.

An effective program of sensual massage can lower overall stress, reduce the effects of depression, and eliminate fatigue. Many recipients agree that regularly scheduled sessions have been a key factor in improving their general health, as well as giving them unique and lasting pleasure. They see these benefits at home, on the job, and in their most intimate relationships.

So when January has you in its icy grip, and you want the warm touch of gently probing hands and fingers, call me to set up a sensual session of delight. Your body will thank you.

Giving Thanks in spite of the Busyness of Life

Giving thanks

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. It’s all about thanks for what we have, and optimism for a better, brighter future. As the date approaches, I find myself reminded of the great gifts I’ve received in my life. The most meaningful ones are those that come from the heart.

With that in mind, here I would like to thank those gentlemen who, over the years, have given me so much happiness. You have helped me so much, bringing a spirit of caring generosity to our meetings. While we have both shared in the sensual pleasures of those trysts, you have contributed to making them much more. My gratitude is great, as you will see when we meet again.

You might be the one who sees me occasionally, or once a month, or even more often. However many times we meet, you are special to me. You know who you are, and you share so many beautiful memories with me. If you are the one who brings me flowers, I thank you for the scent, the colors, the beauty, and the sweet, caring thought. As a tiny chocolate melts in my mouth, I thank you for the smooth, silky sensations, and I find myself lost in a daydream about you. As I taste the wine you so thoughtfully left for me, a memory from our meetings slips into my thoughts, and I feel a tingling pleasure in a special place.

As the holiday season stretches on into the New Year, please remember that I’m always here for you. If you have a question, a message, or simply words of affection, don’t ever hesitate to call or email me. Whenever I see your message my heart will take a tiny leap of joy. As I hear your voice or read your words, I will feel the subtle flutter that promises the ecstasy of future trysts.

Thank you for all we have shared in the past, and for all our future pleasures. The joys we’ve known in days gone by are promises of even greater sensations yet to come. Happy Thanksgiving!

Any experience is colored by our expectations. In a restaurant we anticipate receiving certain services, and a meal that’s worth the price. In a movie we want drama, excitement, and visual fascination.  But what should you expect in a massage?

Lured By Lust? Appointment Scheduling

         As those who have visited me already know, my first concern is always your pleasure and sensual satisfaction. Timing is of the essence, and the essence of timing is in planning our meetings to get the most out of every moment we share. Our time together is a world we create that’s all our own. My aim is to help you explore new heights in the exotic, and achieve ecstatic fulfillment. When we meet there should be no thought of hurry or impatience.

            In the coming months I will be unavailable during daytime hours on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Anyone who wants to meet with me on those days should plan on an evening tryst. My mornings will be filled on Mondays and Fridays, but on those days I look forward to sharing hours of exotic pleasure in the afternoons and evenings. On Thursdays and weekends I’m free for long hours when we might meet, and probe our deepest passions.

            To insure ample time, and certain satisfaction, I highly recommend scheduling our meetings well in advance. I am always excited as I look forward to our ecstatic sessions, and this anticipation only heightens the pleasure for both of us. When you contact me, plan on scheduling our tryst during the following hours. These are the times when we can turn mere moments into eternities of bliss:

           I await your call and/or email.

End of Summer. Fall’s Upon Us

As summer ends, the change in seasons enlivens all of our senses. The moist embrace of summer heat fades, replaced by the bright crackling of autumn leaves beneath our feet. Crisp, clear nights follow days that seem tailor-made for cool walks in the park.

Fall brings thoughts of my return to school, where I will once again study nursing. The course work is hard, but I know the secret to balancing my schoolwork with sensual relaxation. I’m an expert at that. After days and nights of rigorous study, there’s nothing I love more than a meeting with a mature, intelligent, sexy man for a session of deep, relaxing, erotic massage.

I’m trained in many kinds of sensual massage, but as evenings grow cooler, I often find a gentleman will best respond to a full body-to-body experience. It’s a method that stimulates every center of pleasure. I often accent these arousals with scented oils, soothing music, and erotic probing of every source of ecstasy. In this type of massage I will use my whole body to soothe frayed nerves, relax tense muscles, and dissolve all pain. I will bring your flesh to a point where every nerve ending receives nothing but erotic pleasure. You come away from this refreshed, focused, and ready to meet the bursting colors of autumn.

As the first logs of fall blaze in the fireplace, our meeting starts at the slow, luxurious pace of eternal summer, then gives way to the urgent spark of sensual stimulation. As flames burn down, we finish, relaxed, satisfied, and ready for the autumnal beauty just outside our door. It is a season meant for savoring.