Giving Thanks in spite of the Busyness of Life

Giving thanks

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. It’s all about thanks for what we have, and optimism for a better, brighter future. As the date approaches, I find myself reminded of the great gifts I’ve received in my life. The most meaningful ones are those that come from the heart.

With that in mind, here I would like to thank those gentlemen who, over the years, have given me so much happiness. You have helped me so much, bringing a spirit of caring generosity to our meetings. While we have both shared in the sensual pleasures of those trysts, you have contributed to making them much more. My gratitude is great, as you will see when we meet again.

You might be the one who sees me occasionally, or once a month, or even more often. However many times we meet, you are special to me. You know who you are, and you share so many beautiful memories with me. If you are the one who brings me flowers, I thank you for the scent, the colors, the beauty, and the sweet, caring thought. As a tiny chocolate melts in my mouth, I thank you for the smooth, silky sensations, and I find myself lost in a daydream about you. As I taste the wine you so thoughtfully left for me, a memory from our meetings slips into my thoughts, and I feel a tingling pleasure in a special place.

As the holiday season stretches on into the New Year, please remember that I’m always here for you. If you have a question, a message, or simply words of affection, don’t ever hesitate to call or email me. Whenever I see your message my heart will take a tiny leap of joy. As I hear your voice or read your words, I will feel the subtle flutter that promises the ecstasy of future trysts.

Thank you for all we have shared in the past, and for all our future pleasures. The joys we’ve known in days gone by are promises of even greater sensations yet to come. Happy Thanksgiving!

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