Why Sensual Massage Matters

Winter is the season when many of us feel the most stress, so this is the time when regular sensual massage has the most value. As the world turns to ice, our bodies want to be warmed, calmed, and infused with an ecstasy of energy. Sensual massage stimulates and soothes the entire body and spirit. Many of us roar through the early winter holidays, only to feel a sudden letdown at the start of the new year. We return to work, sink into the depths of January, and find ourselves plagued by colds, aches, and other ailments. In these dark weeks warmth and sunlight are in short supply. As temperatures fall our metabolisms work harder. After we’ve shoveled the snow from our sidewalks and scraped the ice off our windshields, we’re left with a residue of painful joints, tense muscles, and fatigue.

That’s why winter may be the best time to start a regular program of sensual massage. A good massage leaves you feeling refreshed and ready to face the world. As your masseuse soothes your joints and muscles, the expert touch of her fingers taps into your energy. This sharpens your senses, allowing you to experience physical pleasure in a whole new way. A regular schedule of massages deepens that feeling, helping you perform at your best at work and at play. Monthly massages provide many tangible long-term benefits, and biweekly or weekly sessions do even more.

An effective program of sensual massage can lower overall stress, reduce the effects of depression, and eliminate fatigue. Many recipients agree that regularly scheduled sessions have been a key factor in improving their general health, as well as giving them unique and lasting pleasure. They see these benefits at home, on the job, and in their most intimate relationships.

So when January has you in its icy grip, and you want the warm touch of gently probing hands and fingers, call me to set up a sensual session of delight. Your body will thank you.