Midsummer— Shakespeare set his on June night, but in our part of the world it arrives in July’s sultry darkness like a whisper of breeze. As the days stretch so long that they can get no longer, it seems to take possession of our lives. A midsummer’s day ends with a sudden sunset ushering in sweet cooling shadows. These are the sweltering days—lazy afternoons lost in daydreams, followed by nights that urge us to indulge ourselves in the deepest sensual pleasures.
Midsummer is a moment that stretches through those languid afternoons, and into the cool evenings. It’s the magic of folklore, the poetry of the Bard, and the music of nature. But most of all it is touch. In midsummer the heat peaks like a fever, and our flesh aches with tension and desire.
This is a season made for the arts of touch and sensual satisfaction. A sensual massage eases tensions, and sates the body’s passions. I am trained in these arts. When we meet I know how to find all the heat within you. I will coax it to the surface, and let it explode like a bright Roman candle in the July sky.
Our ideal meeting might occur in the heat of the day, or it could happen in the cooling dreams of a fabled midsummer’s night. Either way, it will take on its own colors, and guide us its own way. Even as the heat rises within you my fingers will soothe sore muscles. Our bodies will press together, as tensions give way to ecstasy.
So if you want your midsummer to become a sensual poem of heated passions and cooling dreams, please do contact me.
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