Pleasure Awaits In Autumn

Pleasure awaits in autumn

September can be the sweetest month. The first leaves turn just as the world becomes so lush and green that sudden bursts of sunset colors are like grace notes in the midst of nature’s sensual perfection.  Nights are cooler, mornings are crisp, and our bodies feel the changes.


This is a month when muscles tighten, and cooling temperatures often make tender joints ache. Though the days might be brilliant, their beauty sometimes only depresses a man with an ailing body. He might even shiver, feeling the oncoming cold long before it becomes visible on the horizon.

That’s the moment when a deep touch sensual massage session can bring you back to the world you love. My hands and fingers are trained to pull the tensions from your body, as I use the whole of my body to restore strength, vigor, and passion to your entire being! A

s we touch, our massage will put us into harmony with each other, a duet of pleasure that will banish all lingering pain.

Autumn means changes over many weeks, with new riots of colors erupting with each new cool spell. When some days are so beautiful, it’s easy to ignore the recurrence of tensions in the mind and body. To ease minor flare-ups, or prevent them, we may want more sessions of touch and pleasure. If so, I am always ready to help you arrange them.

In this annual ritual of final blossoms and rich harvests, remember the eternal pleasures that keep us all fresh, healthy, and vibrant. Sensual deep touch massage is the surest path to those pleasures.