As spring comes, we crave warmth, and anticipate physical pleasures. This is when sensual satisfactions become the best solutions to stress. After a seemingly endless winter, our senses are just waking up. The first warmth thaws our nerves, and whets our desires. Denying them only increases our tension. If you are going to quench your sensual thirst, you need the touch of another. It might be a spouse, or long-time lover, or it might be someone whose talents and training lie in the arts of eroticism.
This is the time of year when I instinctively know what a gentleman needs. Perhaps it’s because of my childhood in the tropics, or my innate ability to relieve stress, but each year, as the weather turns warm, I can feel the sources of pleasure pulsating from my toes all the way to my fingertips.
In the spring I hear from gentlemen I know, and others whom I am meeting for the first time. Most want to feel their senses awakening, and regain their full appetite for life. This is what my mind and body are made for. I was born with a gift, and I have developed my sensual skills through ecstatic experience. As the world revives, I look forward to the warm months with anticipation of that which is new, fresh, and erotic.
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